Maroon Tide Girls Soccer
2021 Galax Girls Soccer (Varsity & JV) COVID-19 Protocols for Practice and Competitions
Condition/Practice Sessions
*Temperature and wellbeing checks will occur at the beginning of each practice. Temperatures of 100.4 or above will not be allowed to practice. Temperatures and attendance will be recorded in a team notebook for each practice session.
*Social distancing measures of 6 to 10 feet will be enforced during practice sessions when direct play and/or drills are not occurring. Players will keep a distance of 10 feet from one another when participating in the warm-up, stretching, training, and cool-down phases of practice.
*Athletes will wear masks to and from practice, and during times when the team is not actively working out. This includes waiting for rides at the completion of practice. Masks do not have to be worn during physically demanding phases of practice, like running and/or drills.
*Coaches will wear masks during each practice.
*Hand sanitizer will be available before and after practices
*Athletes must bring their own workout clothes, shoes, cleats, shin guards, and equipment bags. Training clothes will be washed after each use by the athletes.
*Athletes will not share equipment such as clothes, shoes, or shin guards.
*Athletes must bring their own water bottles to practice. There will not be any sharing of water bottles.
*After daily practice athletes must be picked up within10 minutes from the conclusion of the practice session.
*Practice will be done in small groups when possible to limit exposure.
Bus Trips/Games
*Temperature and wellbeing checks will occur before each home game and before loading the bus for away games. Temperatures of 100.4 or above will not be allowed to participate or travel.
*Social distancing measures of 6 feet will be enforced on the bus traveling to and from competitions. Social distancing will also be enforced before, during, and after each competition.
*Hand sanitizer will be available before, during, and after each competition.
*Athletes will sit in the same seat traveling to and from each away competition.
*Athletes must bring their own equipment (cleats, shoes, clothes, shin guards, equipment bag, etc.) These items must be kept with each athlete traveling to and from competitions.
*Athletes must bring their own sports drinks, water bottles, and snacks.
*While on the sideline, all athletes not actively participating in the competition will be socially distant.
*No handshakes or high fives will be given to other players, teammates, coaches or officials.
*Athletes must bring their own packed dinner to eat after each away competition before loading the bus to return home.
*Coaches and athletes will wear masks anytime they are on the bus traveling.
*Coaches will wear masks during each competition.
*Athletes will wear masks before competitions, on the sidelines while not actively participating in the competition, and after competitions.
Please note that COVID-19 guidelines and recommendations are constantly changing and we will update our protocols as needed with our practices, competitions, and bus travel. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Megan Chilton, Coach Jessica Farthing, or Coach Jamie Smith at 276-236-6124.
Varsity Head Coach
Megan Chilton
E-mail: meganchilton@galaxschools.us