Maroon Tide
Boys Basketball
Maroon Tide Boys Basketball
We are excited to announce that we will begin workouts on Monday, July 13. However, we will be operating under strictly mandated guidelines due to COVID-19. Safety will be our main focus throughout all of this. Workouts will be Monday thru Thursday with workouts being split into 4 groups of 6. Those groups will have the opportunity to workout from 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, or 4-5. In order to come to workouts, you must watch the video completely and sign up for a time on the Google Sign-in the sheet below. If you are unable to access Google to sign up, you can email me a time and I will add you to a group. Groups are first come first serve.
A check-in process will occur each day of workouts. Each day you will have to answer a questionnaire and have your temperature taken. This will be conducted by the coaching staff. You will then be allowed to work out unless you have symptoms or a high temperature over 100 degrees. If you are sick or have a temperature please do not come to workouts. If you know you’re going to miss a workout for any reason please let one of the coaches know in advance. All student-athletes will enter and exit through the bus loop door only. In addition to the check-in process, athletes must bring their own water bottles that will last them the whole hour. We do not want people using water fountains. Make sure athletes come dressed ready to go as we are not allowing locker room use at this time. Workouts will last 45 minutes as coaches will be cleaning off equipment before the next group comes into the workout. So for those who cannot drive, make sure your parents are there to pick up on time. We do not want students hanging around the building!
With all this being mentioned, Coaches and players will not be penalized if they do not feel comfortable attending the practice or workout. We understand that these are difficult times for all of us and we want what’s best for all of you. We are working to make sure each of you will be safe throughout all of this. Safety is our #1 priority!
Reminder: Before you can workout each athlete along with their parent/guardian will need to view the video in its entirety. When you have watched it, send me a message or email to let me know. In addition, please sign up for a workout time in the Google Sign up sheet below.
Roll Tide!!!
Coach Lipes